MORRISBURG – Prepare for extensive disruptions to traffic around and through Morrisburg this coming weekend.
Louis W. Bray Construction, the contractor reconstructing the Highway 401/County Road 31 interchange, will demolish the remaining two-lane overpass section this coming weekend.
On Friday, October 23 starting at 8 p.m., Highway 401 will be closed between County Road 1 (exit 738) in Iroquois and County Road 41 (exit 758) east of Morrisburg.
The highway closure affects both eastbound and westbound lanes at the same time. All traffic from Highway 401 will be detoured along County Road 2 through Iroquois and Morrisburg.
County Road 31 will be closed during the same period from the CN overpass north to County Road 28 at Glen Becker. Through traffic will be detoured via County Road 28 and County Road 8 (Church Road).
Road closures will continue until Saturday October 24th at 8 a.m.
Currently the eastbound Highway 401 ramps are closed for reconstruction and will remain so until November.
The interchange reconstruction project began in 2019 and is expected to conclude next year.