Editorial: The new normal, again

Every generation has a defining moment, a point where an event occurs that is destined to be ingrained into our society’s consciousness for generations to come.

Pearl Harbour, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Fall of the Berlin Wall, and the days after 9-11 were all defining moments for past generations. In 2020, as country after country battles to try to slow the spread of the Novel Coronavirus, we may be in midst of our own generational defining moment.

Except in times of war, we have not seen a global response to any crisis like we are seeing now. Borders closed; hospitals restricted; schools closed; world-wide, states of emergency declared.

Changes made in the wake of 9/11, the increased security for flights and at border points, and the need for increased surveillance to ‘out’ possible ‘threats’ was called ‘the new normal’. This may be another ‘new normal.’

In the past 20 years we have been affected by two large scale pandemics, SARS in 2003 and H1N1 in 2009. Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 is related to SARS but is more severe in its form of attack. This makes how we respond to this pandemic even more important.

Believe the science. If the Chief Medical Officers of Health at the federal, provincial, and local levels are all saying we need to follow set restrictions, we need to do this. Listen to them.

Take the time to learn about the symptoms of COVID-19. The province has a very good resource for that at https://www.ontario.ca/page/2019-novel-coronavirus – If you feel unwell, take the self-assessment test on that website. Go to the hospital only if absolutely necessary. Don’t back up the emergency rooms with non-emergency issues.

Retailers and government officials have said over-and-over again that we have plenty of food and that our supply chain is just fine. We have food enough for everyone. There is no need to stockpile food or toilet paper. Purchase only what you actually need.

We live in a caring community. On a near weekly basis, The Leader reports on the generosity of people in South Dundas, so let’s continue this practice. Call your neighbours and family to check on them. Spend time at home with your own family.

Maybe it will take a while for things to return to normal. Do your part just as other generations in crisis did. We can get through this.

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