Westmount Youth Symphony presents A Christmas Festival

MORRISBURG – Is there a more wonderful way to celebrate Christmas than to hear the great music of this joyous season performed live by a 62 piece symphony orchestra?

On Sunday, December 9, at 3:00 p.m., everyone will be able to share in just such an experience when the Westmount Youth Orchestra, under the direction of Jean MacCrae, holds a concert, A Christmas Festival, at St. James Anglican Church in Morrisburg.

Tilted Steeple Productions is proud to present its third annual symphony orchestra visit. The previous concerts drew packed houses and enormous praise from audiences.

Isabelle Delage, on the executive of the Quebec Association of Youth Orchestra, currently host of Tilted Steeple Coffee House (situated in St. James), and chief organizer of the previous visits to this community by orchestras, is thrilled to again welcome a full orchestra to this area. “If you haven’t had the chance to take in this event in past years, I strongly recommend that you do, for it is truly spectacular,” she said.

The funds raised at the Westmount Youth Orchestra concert will go to help support local refugee sponsorship efforts and the Community Food Share. “The Orchestra is very generously waiving its performance and conductor’s fees, so we hope to have a very healthy sum to donate to our dual causes,” Delage said.

The widely acclaimed Westmount Youth Orchestra was formed in 1995, and welcomes young musicians between the ages of five and 25, giving them a chance to take part in an unrivaled musical experience, providing them an opportunity to develop their skills in a nurturing atmosphere. The Orchestra is supported by a coaching staff of devoted professional musicians.

Since the fall of 2011, Maestro Jean MacCrae, a renowned and passionate artist, performer and teacher has been the Youth Orchestra’s director.

The program for the December 9 concert will feature some of the best-loved music of the Christmas season.

Among the pieces will be Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite, Herbert’s March of the Toys and Leroy Anderson’s Sleigh Ride. The Orchestra will also perform Handel’s Messiah.

At the end of the concert, the entire audience will be invited by the Westmount musicians to join with them in singing some well-known carols.

Tickets for the Westmount Youth Orchestra’s A Christmas Festival at St. James Anglican Church in Morrisburg, December 9, are $25 for adults and $15 for students.

Call 613-543-3863, go to Pharmachoice in Morrisburg, or email tiltedsteeple@eastlink.ca for tickets to the concert.

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