UCDSB trustees defeat motion to rescind

Upper Canada District School BoardTrustees defeated a motion at their regular school board meeting Wednesday night that would have rescinded an earlier decision to launch the Pupil Accommodation Review. 

The process was initially approved after changes to provincial funding rules prompted the Upper Canada District School Board to examine under-utilized school space with the overall objective of consolidation of student spaces.

After the meeting, Chair Jeff McMillan stressed the Review will provide an opportunity for public discussion on the best options for school consolidation so the most appropriate solutions can be found. 

“I don’t want anyone to have the impression that decisions have already been made,” said McMillan. “The Board of Trustees won’t be making any final decisions about school closures until we’ve heard from our communities and their input has been fully considered.”

Trustees approved the Review on September 28. 

Through a series of public meetings, the board says it will seek the community’s input on draft recommendations for potential school closures to consolidate school space in the district. 

The Review is considering the future state for operating 29 schools through public meetings led by local Accommodation Review Committees (ARCs).

The first round of ARC meetings will occur in November. A final decision by the Board is expected in March 2017.

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