Dundas County aims to help Fort McMurray

A wave of residents, businesses, service clubs, and organizations have come together in recent days to support their fellow Canadians in need.

The “Dundas County Supports Fort McMurray” Benefit Dance and Silent Auction will be held on Saturday, June 4th at the Joel Steele Community Centre in Winchester. 

Marleen Fawcett & Mountain Breeze will provide musical entertainment with a cash bar and an opportunity to bid on a wide variety of auction items. 

Tickets are $10 each with all proceeds from the event going to the Canadian Red Cross, which will be matched by the federal government.


“It has been amazing to see the number of people wanting to purchase tickets and come out and support the cause on June 4th,” said Eric Duncan. 

“Everyone knows someone who has lived or worked in the Fort McMurray area, and they want to help their fellow Canadians.”

“Dundas County has a strong history of coming together and helping out those who need it,” said Evonne Delegarde. “We encourage everyone to buy tickets for a great night and to show Albertans that we are there in their time of need.”  

Tickets are available at a wide variety of locations in Dundas County and are listed on posters being distributed throughout the community in the coming days. 

Donations for silent auction items can be organized through Geraldine Fitzsimmons at geraldine@southdundaschamber.ca or (613) 341-6765.

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