Market Moment surprise for Valu-mart shoppers

Customer Appreciation Day at Riley’s Valu-mart in Morrisburg ended up being a lot more than free coffee and cake for some lucky shoppers on Friday, May 6th.

Friday afternoon, Riley’s was the scene of a Market Moment, where customers were surprised with free groceries.

For those in line, during a specific time frame at about 2:45 p.m., their purchase, up to $250 was free.

“We like to surprise people here,” said store-owner Riley Hatherall. “Thank you for shopping at our store.”

“This is great,” said Jackie Garlough, who received her purchase worth $92.35 free.

Edith Sneath, was surprised to win her purchases of $40.52, adding that the only time she has ever received free groceries was by redeeming her PC points.

“It’s marvellous,” said Joyce LeRoy who won her $15 purchase. “I should have bought more.”

“That’s awesome,” said Tammy Blakely, who won $16.39 in free groceries.

Craig Hodgson, who was shopping with son Hunter Douglas Hodgson, had a fairly large bill of $127.09 that ended up unexpectedly free. 

He didn’t yet know what he was going to do with the extra money he had saved.

Yvonne Mabo had one of the larger orders. She won her purchase of $206.79, which included two of the beef tenderloins on sale this week.

“I’m not usually lucky. What a surprise,” she said.

“This is wonderful,” said Mary Osborne, who won her $79.50 purchase. “This is very nice,” she said, adding that she shops at Riley’s every week.

In light of her win, Osborne immediately chose to pay it forward by donating $50 at the cash to help those impacted by the Fort McMurray wild fires.

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