Added signs and line paint are likely starting points for implementation of recommendations from the recently completed Village of Morrisburg Vehicle/Pedestrian Review.
The document, outlining the results of months of review of the existing conditions and providing study recommendations, was presented to South Dundas council April 5, by Adam Howell of MMM Group and South Dundas director of public works Chris Bazinet.
“This is a living flexible document,” said Bazinet.
“The review of the existing transportation infrastructure in the study area has highlighted a lack of clearly defined space for vehicles and pedestrians, as well as discontinuities/gaps in the pedestrian network that can on occasion require pedestrians to walk along and make crossings in locations where drivers may not expect,” said Howell.
The recommendations of the study aim to improve safety and create a better connected, better defined network of pedestrian facilities, with associated traffic control features.
Recommendation implementation offers additional clarity for both drivers and pedestrians.
The timing and order of implementation of the proposed recommendations will be determined by the Municipality of South Dundas based on available resources.
Funds have been set aside in this year’s budget, so it will be up to staff, and ultimately, council to approve which projects are the priority for those funds.
The document provides guidance for implementation by outlining which recommendations are projects that should be look at in the long term and projects which could take place in the short term. “Recommendations that can provide significant improvements for relatively low effort and host have been prioritized as ‘quick wins’,” said Howell.
‘Quick win’ project outlined in the document include:
• Paint crossings on all legs of Ottawa/Fifth Street intersection;
• Provide signage drawing attention to pedestrian crossings of Fifth Street;
• Relocate the Ottawa Street pedestrian crossing at the South Dundas Municipal Centre;
• Provide painted pedestrian crossings of Second and St. Lawrence Streets;
• Provide pedestrian crossing on Ottawa Street at Legion Street;
• Improve connections between Fifth Street and Morrisburg Plaza.
Short term projects generally include new sidewalk construction, new signalized pedestrian crossings and adding pedestrian crossings on all legs of the County Road 2/31 intersection.
A roundabout replacing the stoplights at the County Road 2 and 31.
Recommendations for reconfiguration of the Morrisburg Plaza site are included in the report.
The report suggests that with some urban design elements, the recommendations support the concept of a ‘Morrisburg Main Street’ along County Road 2.
“This is a step in the right direction,” commented South Dundas councillor Archie Mellan.
“Hopefully, we can see some of these plans come to fruition,” added South Dundas councillor Marc St. Pierre. “I can’t wait to start work on deciding where the priorities are.”
“This is a great document,” said Mayor Evonne Delegarde.
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