Andrew Beatson shares Carleton Honour


Andrew Beatson, a 2011 graduate of Seaway District High School in Iroquois and president of the Carleton University Classics Society, has  shared in a unique honour.

On Thursday, March 24, 2016,  Dr. Catherine Khordoc, interim dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, attended a reception to honour Corvus, a Carleton University  undergraduate journal, which has just been awarded a ISSN number.

“Having that number will allow our journal to be catalogued in an academic library,” explained Andrew, under whose presidency the distinction was earned.

“This means that Carleton’s Corvus (in its sixth year of publication) is now accessible to other universities across Canada.” 

Essentially, this recognition means that the research and writing excellence of Carleton undergraduate students has been officially acknowledged, and their work in Corvus recommended as an academic resource for all educational institutions.

It is a significant achievement.

Corvus is the only undergraduate journal at Carleton, or in most universities, to be specifically recognized for the work of undergraduate students,” said Beatson. 

“The articles in Corvus cross academic borders,” he said. “The journal highlights classical research. Our articles draw many topics together – linking the faculties of the humanities, religion, history, languages and philosophy. All these areas of research intersect in the classics.”

In her remarks, Dr. Khordoc praised the involvement of  dedicated undergraduates in producing a publication of the quality of Corvus.  

The Carleton journal is funded, edited, and its publication  completely overseen by the Classics Society. “It is our hope that soon our journal will begin to gain status outside this university,” Beatson said.

Although he is currently completing his degree in the field of financial economics, Andrew began his academic career at Carleton in classical studies. 

He has continued to maintain his passion for history, for challenging debate and for research, and remains deeply committed to classical studies and writing. “The Golden Age of the late Roman Republic is a time period I love,” he laughed. 

“Frankly, it’s been a treat to study finance and economics and to also study the humanities. I don’t find those two academic fields exclusive at all.”

Even when he moved into economics, he kept close ties to Corvus, first as the Society’s treasurer and “then I guess I moved up through the ranks to president,” he laughed.

A graduate of Morrisburg Public School, Iroquois Public School and Seaway, Andrew loved both the sciences, particularly biology,  and the study of history. “I read every history book I could.”

Of his years at Seaway, he remembers fondly Mr. Edge’s “awesome” physics classes, and studying French with Mrs. Iwakniuk, “and going on the Italy trip. It was great.”

As well as continuing his involvement with Corvus, Andrew is working part time in a very new department, the Canadian School of Public Service at Carleton. 

He sees a future in the government public sector after graduation.

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