Iroquois Darts 4 Hearts


“An event like this makes a huge world of difference,” said Ashley Manwell, area co-ordinator for the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada. 

“Every dollar raised can bring someone home who is recovering from heart and stroke problems.”

Iroquois Legion branch #370 held its annual Darts 4 Hearts Tournament on Saturday, February 13, at the Legion. Over 55 players took part, and there were 18 teams on the floor.

The tournament brought in $2,523 for Heart & Stroke according to Sheila Holmes of the Iroquois Legion.

“Our event has been running for over 20 years now,” said Darts 4 Hearts organizer, Thom Greenough. “Businesses from Morrisburg, Iroquois, Cardinal, Hainesville, Brinston and Brockville all donated prizes. Every player taking part goes home with a prize.”

Heart and stroke issues affect many people in this area, Greenough added. It’s important that people be aware of heart and stroke problems and that they continue to fund research. 

“You never know when you will need the help of the Heart & Stroke Foundation,” he added. “It’s great to see the community support that is out there.”

Funds raised at the annual Gerry Sypes Memorial Tournament were also turned over to the Foundation as part of the final total.

Ashley Manwell was attending the event in Iroquois for the first time and was impressed with the hard work of the Legion, and the support coming from the community.

“We are campaigning to promote knowledge of stroke signs this month,” she said. 

“Our big push is FAST or F, face drooping, A for arms, can you raise them, S for speech slurring and T, getting treatment immediately.”

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