The 19th hole


Bingo, bango, bongo was the name of the game for the weekly ladies night on Wednesday, September 1.

There was no sponsor for the evening which was organized by Alice McNairn, Lydia Eamon and Betty Lou Casselman.

The evening was judged by the size of teams playing. Winning for most points were teams captained by Donne Dillabough, Gisele Hooles, Yvonne Mabo and Chris McNairn.

Least point wins went to Diane Gallinger, Denis Lebrun, Nelda Hickman and Vicki Boivin.

Coming up tonight, Wednesday, September 10, the ladies will participate in a skills competition.

The September 4 men’s night, was sponsored by Canadian Tire. Leading the field was Lance LePage who shot a 36 for the A flight win. Dave McClenaghan won B flight with a 41, and Ken Rundle won C with a 45.

Net wins went to Gord Dillabough in A flight, Mick Mabo in B flight and Gus Dickson in C flight.

Lance LePage dropped the closest to the pin shot on the par three 11th hole and Derick Casselman was closest on the par three 17th.

This weekend, September 13-14, the Club Championships will be played and the final men’s night is scheduled for Saturday, September 27.


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