Morrisburg Curlers hit the ice


We’re into the third week of curling at the Morrisburg Curling Club and things are rounding into shape. 

The Swing and Sweep event had to be cancelled this year, as a result of low numbers interested. Instead, the executive organized an opening bonspiel for last Saturday. 

Other events scheduled are Glenn Cougler’s stick bonspiel, the women’s Invitational on Tuesday, December 4, the Gamble bonspiel on Saturday November 17, and the OCA Zone 1 Intermediates from December 22-23. 

In addition, a lady from Cornwall is trying to organize an Alzheimer’s bonspiel for Saturday, November 10. Club president, Mahlon Locke tells us there’ll be an information sheet in the lounge. Why not put together a team to support this charity? More information on all events is available at the Club or from the organizers.

Over the summer a good deal of work was done by the executive and other volunteers. The new carpet is in, painting (especially interesting is the red door) and upgrading inside has taken place, -washrooms, bar, etc., and feet-cleaning mats are down at entrances to the ice surface. 

The ice is fast, and Wally Baker has some other innovations that have much improved the surface and our curling experience. On November 10 our rocks’ running bands will be reconditioned, to bring back the wonderful curling ability they used to have, well back in the last century. 

Our membership numbers are down slightly from last year, but there are a number of new curlers, and it is still possible to register for the league of your choice. Those interested can also curl as a spare, or pay for single games if there is an opening on a team. 

Dave King is looking after the day men for anyone who would like to join that league. Tuesday night men’s coordinator Joe McCooeye is the person to see about signing up there, Alice Thompson for the Tuesday afternoon ladies, Susan McIntosh and Claire Locke for Wednesday night ladies, Ruth Kelly for daytime mixed, Ian Wilson for the Thursday night competitive league, and Mahlon Locke for the Friday night mixed league. 

Also, the little rockers are being looked after by Ian and Kathy Wilson. Hope to see some more people out!

Mahlon and Paula Locke and their committee organized the opening bonspiel, and arranged a delicious lunch for the curlers in the event. In the early draw, there was some mid-season level curling, with Sid Morrell’s foursome emerging victorious. His team included Ron Beaupre, Ted Herriman and Paul Gunther. 

In the second draw Mahlon Locke, Wendy Casselman, Dave McIntosh and Claire Locke were victorious. When the total points for the teams were considered, Sid’s foursome finished first, with Mahlon’s warriors ending up second overall. It was a good day, with profits from the event turned over to the club. 

A women’s team competed at Kemptville last Saturday. Gretta McGann, Cheryl Thompson, and Paula and Claire Locke played a single eight-end match in the morning, and defeated a foursome from Brockville. When the winners’ scores were tallied, Morrisburg was in second place, while Smiths Falls took the overall total.

Local teams are entered in several bonspiels around eastern Ontario, and we’ll report on those when they occur.  There will be friendly competitions with other club teams from various leagues, and we’ll do our best to keep you informed about those. Do keep us posted on your events, so that we can report to your fans.

Good curling, folks! 


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