Community splash time for Splashpad


The very newest features coming to the Morrisburg Waterfront are canons folks. That’s right canons…but probably not the kind you are thinking of.

With the completion of dotmocracy done with area children at the end of the school year, the selections for the Splash Pad coming to the Children’s Park in Morrisburg have been made and included among the elements are some “water-spraying” canons.

In fact the water canons ranked number one in the children’s selections.

On the design front, the Playground planning committee is looking at the potential layout for the splash pad that will include something for everyone and that will fit in with the current playground structure.

A Splash Pad is a zero depth aquatic structure which combines water movement–flowing, spraying, jetting and misting–for kid’s play.

There is no standing water, no lifeguard requirement and minimal water consumption.

Splash Pads provide safe alternatives for small children, non-swimmers and those times when there are forced beach closures, which as a general rule occur every summer at the beach in Morrisburg.

And with the design work well underway, the very important work of continuing to raise money is about to go public.

Since the original playground build, the playground committee and the community have quietly gone about raising money for the splash pad. The total is now sitting at $116,000.

The targeted amount is $200,000.

To date the committee has prepared numerous proposals for available grant money, and they are now working on ways to engage the general public.

It is hoped the community will now jump into the Splash Pad Project with donations and events to raise the required money. Every little bit will help.

Coming up during the Tubie parade, the community is invited to donate to the Splash Pad Float, which will be easily recognizable as it will be carrying a whole lot of “little splashers”.

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