Keeping our patients safe


by Janice Banford

I’ve worked at WDMH for 37 years and every day is different. That’s what I love about my job. 

As the Infection Control Coordinator for the past eight years, my responsibilities are very varied as I work with health care professionals and patients to ensure that everyone is aware of important infection control practices and guidelines that keep us all safe. My work includes promotion, policy development, data collection and education. We want to ensure that all patient care activities put safety first. 

This fall, our focus is on preventing the spread of illness through good hand hygiene. Washing your hands is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of infection and everyone has a role to play.  

At WDMH, we want to get people talking and reminding each other about the importance of washing their hands. In fact, staff, physicians and volunteers are wearing bright blue “Ask Me If I Washed My Hand” buttons as a great reminder. Don’t be shy – speak up!

We are also encouraging everyone to get a flu shot. It’s the best way to stay healthy – for you, your family and those who might be at greater risk around you. You can’t get the flu (or any other illness) from the flu shot and the benefits far outweigh a sore arm for a couple of days.

I love what I do and could not do it without the outstanding support of my colleagues.   Their commitment to patient safety is invaluable to the success of the program. 

Everyone at WDMH – including our patients – has a role and responsibility in Infection Prevention and Control. 

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