Stepping through the gates at Upper Canada Village is like going back in time. Your senses are met with the sights, sounds and smells of 19th century early Canada.
This weekend you can step even further back in time – to the Medieval period – as Upper Canada Village hosts its 8th Medieval Festival on June 7-8 and its Medieval Education Day Monday, June 9 with activities for students.
The Medieval Festival is an entertaining mix of colourful medieval re-enactors, entertainers and skilled performers.
A festival highlight is the jousting tournament featuring the Knights of Valour led by head knight Shane Adams who was recently in the History Channel’s Full Metal Jousting Show.
The Knights and their mighty horses perform twice daily at 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and their magnificent horses are available between shows to speak to the public about the history and chivalry of Knights.
“The Medieval Festival offers a great blend of history and entertainment,” says Geoff Wacik, Manager, Upper Canada Village. “The Knights of Valour and their jousting is really quite amazing. You literally feel like you are in the medieval era when you see them in armour and on horseback. Plus all of the other performers offer such a variety of things to see and do.”
“It is a great weekend, and I guarantee you will learn something while you are entertained”
The festival offers continuous entertainment throughout the weekend with lively medieval performers presenting a variety of interactive shows each day.
Comedians, dancers, talented buskers, a wizard, wandering minstrels and even a life-size dragon will create music and laughter, adding to the faire atmosphere.
Warrior and domestic encampments, archery demonstrations, armoured and unarmoured combat performances, plus life-sized weapons of war demonstrations are sure to keep the excitement level and entertainment value high.
Falconry shows will be offered at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. daily, and you can witness the fine craftsmanship of Medieval artisans and watch demonstrations in blacksmithing, armour manufacturing, leather working, chain mail making, period fashions and jewelry making all part of the festival’s activities.
Throughout the day, children of all ages can try their hand at one of several games throughout the festival including Jacob’s Ladder, miniature ballista and catapult games, Frog Race, and more.
The Royal Court, including the King and Queen and their entourage, will be in attendance at a number of events throughout the festival.
Each day the King and Queen will open the festival (9:30 a.m.) with the Royal Greeting at the entrance to the festival fairgrounds located at the back of the Village just past Louck’s Farm.
A medieval festival wouldn’t be complete without merchants and food and a number of merchants will set up their tents at the festival, offering a wide selection of Medieval merchandise and food items.
Be sure to stop in at the Medieval Chip Shoppe or watch for the Pickle man for a snack.
While all visitors are welcome to attend the Medieval Festival on Education Day, Monday, June 9, large crowds of school children are expected.
All performances at the festival plus your visit to Upper Canada Village are included in the price of admission: $20 Adult (13 – 64 yrs); $17 Senior (65 yrs+); $14 Youth (6-12 yrs).
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