Now starting its 88th season, Canadian Club has 23 corporate sponsors for the upcoming year.
The Club meets at the Canadian Legion in Morrisburg six times per year, each meeting catered (wonderfully I might add) by the Legion ladies. We are happy, as the Canadian Club, to support this wonderful organization, and we are extremely happy with the venue.
Canadian Club encompasses about 25 villages and hamlets, and reaches into four counties. It’s a very inexpensive way to communicate with people from a fairly large area.
Our meetings for the 2012-13 season will be held on the third Wednesdays of September, October, November, March, April and May. Everyone is invited to attend any meeting with a $20 ticket. We do ask that you reserve at least a week in advance of the meeting you plan to attend. You are welcome to attend the social time at 6:15. Dinner follows at 7 p.m.
We have an exceptional line-up of speakers scheduled.
On September 19, Sergeant J. J. Marc Godue, Acting Officer in Charge of the Musical Ride Branch, will be the first speaker. His topic is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride and the Ride’s contribution to Canadian unity and to promoting Canada.
He will be followed October 17 by Robert Fowler, a Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations. Fowler was kidnapped in 2008 in Niger by an al-Queda affiliate and held for nearly five months. An Order of Canada recipient, Fowler will discuss his ordeal, and comment on Canada’s role at the United Nations.
On November 21, following Remembrance Day, Vice Admiral (retd.) Ron Buck, CMM, CD, will be the guest speaker. His topic will concern Canada’s navy, its origins, its achievements and its importance in going forward. He is a former Commander of the Navy and Vice Chief of Defence.
Major John Grodzinski (not as yet confirmed) is scheduled for March 20, 2013. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the St. Lawrence War of 1812 Bicentennial Alliance, and a professor of history at the Royal Military College in Kingston. He will focus on the War, events specific to our region, and provide insight on how this war made us who we are today.
The guest speaker for April 17 is Jim Brownell, a well-known person throughout Eastern Ontario, who served two terms as MPP in Queen’s Park for this region. Brownell, a former long-time teacher, and a volunteer with a host of community organizations, will discuss the Lost Villages Historical Society. He will focus on the Society’s role in history preservation and interpretation over the past 35 years.
The final speaker of the 2012-2013 Canadian Club season will be Wayne Domanko, M.D., a partner in the St. Lawrence Clinic since 1969. Over the years Dr. Domanko has been a main presenter and speaker at numerous seminars. He is a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa, and has conducted significant research. He has served on several committees at Winchester & District Memorial Hospital. And, of course, he has been “doctor” for many in the community.
At Canadian Club, we hope that if you are currently a member, you will rejoin the Club. If not, we hope you will consider becoming a member or a visitor. Our average attendance at meetings is just over 100, and we always welcome new faces.
For the past few years (with our gratitude) piper Marc Calder has piped in the head table to begin each evening. Current president of the Canadian Club, Dave Black of Morrisburg, presides over meetings whenever possible.
Each month we draw for a 3X6 foot Canadian flag donated to the Club by MP Guy Lauzon. We close each meeting with ‘O Canada’ accompanied by Eleanor Allison.
We offer our thanks to the volunteers who care for the sound system and table settings for every meeting.
We look forward to seeing you at Canadian Club this fall.
For tickets to the 2012-13 season of Canadian Club, contact Doug at 613-543-2922 or Clara at 613-774-2407.
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