Curlers out and about

Two groups of Morrisburg Curling Club Thursday morning curlers enjoyed battling two very good foursomes in North Grenville in the former arena in Kemptville last week. Wally McDonald, Dave King, Bud Perry and Sue McIntosh tied their match, while Andy Patenaude, Len Bellamy, Glen Cougler and Keith Robinson won their game. The ice was fine, but the folks enjoyed the lunch that followed even more. We’ll see our new friends from North Grenville shortly for their return visit.

Last Wednesday, four of our senior ladies’ foursomes were in Ottawa at the Granite club. Alice Thompson, Betty Locke, Sharon Van Allen and Sandra Beckstead lost a tough one in the morning to City View, and after lunch went out again, this time against a Navy team. They felt they might have won, but some of the other curlers were guilty of slow play, and all of the six-end games were halted early, and the scores after five ends prevailed. It’s not the only club to penalize slow play, but it was unfortunate.

In the late draw, our other team, Greta McGann, Cheryl Thompson, Yvonne Mabo and Linda Murphy dropped their first match against Carleton Heights in the morning. After their lunch they returned to the ice and played a Kemptville team. They lost this one too, but several of our eight ladies won prizes, so they returned home knowing they had played well, and were slightly mollified over the day’s events.

The OCA Regional Playdowns for bantams are here on the 18th and 19th. It seems none of our local curlers made it past the zone playdowns. The bantam girls play on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m., and on Sunday boys and girls play from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. The top teams advance to the Provincials. Volunteers from the club for both days are needed for these events.

It was the local high school teachers’ funspiel in a rental on Saturday, not the high school students. Sorry for the error last week. Our little rockers are at a bonspiel in Metcalfe this weekend, and we should have their information next time.

The Lions club has a rental here on February 9th, and we will also require volunteers for that day.

We host our annual bonspiel for senior men from several clubs in February, and the Sullivan Cup, the two-team event featuring Metcalfe, Russell, Winchester, and our fellows. In addition, we host the annual Heart and Stroke bonspiel then.

Finally, we saw some great curling over the weekend, with all provincial finals for the ladies’ Tournament of Hearts bonspiel on the agenda. It was sad to see some former champions falling by the wayside, but we have more great curling to look forward to. Also, members of several champion teams of men played in a made-for-television event, an All Star bonspiel in which the four skips selected players from the other three teams. It was entertaining, and paid well for the participants.

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