Iroquois holds 1812 re-enactment and commemoration

Iroquois honoured a key battle in the War of 1812 during a day long re-enactment and commemoration at the Point on Saturday, November 9. November 7, 1813, 200 members of the Dundas Militia took on 1,200 American troops on route to Montreal. The Canadians were unable to attack in force at Point Iroquois, but they kept up sniper fire until the American troops halted their march and attempted to wipe out the Canadian defenders under the command of Captain Michael Ault. 

Although the Point ultimately fell, the march to Montreal was slowed down, and the combined British, Canadian and First Nations forces were able to prepare for the decisive battle which took place at John Crysler's Farm on November 11, 1813.
The modern day Iroquois re-enactment, held by the locks, on November 9, 2013, featured both American and Canadian 1812 re-enactors. Four plaques commemorating local battles were also dedicated in the morning, an occasion followed by a memorial service in the Point cemetery for local veterans of the War of 1812 buried there.
The South Dundas War of 1812 Commemoration Project was organized and researched by historian Howard Kirkby and Lion Jacques Asselin. The Iroquois-Matilda Lions club sponsored the entire event as part of their support for local projects and local history.

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