200th Anniversary draws Canadian Prime Minister to Crysler Farm

Under cold and wet skies, the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, arrived at the Memorial to the Battle of Crysler’s Farm, at Upper Canada Village, on Monday afternoon, November 11, 2013. 

Greeted by nearly 700 school children and many local people and dignitaries, the prime minister was in Morrisburg to honour the 200th anniversary of the Battle. 

The defeat of US General  Wilkinson’s army at Morrisburg in 1813 is widely celebrated as the “battle which saved Canada.”

Joining in the commemoration were 100 members of the Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Highlanders under the command of their Commanding Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Rob Duda.

Representatives of historic 1812 regiments, the First Nations peoples, the Voltigeurs de Quebec and the Royal 22nd Regiment (the Van Doos), also participated in the ceremonial laying of wreaths to honour those who fell 200 years ago in the defence of our nation.

The Prime Minister used this historical occasion to announce that the Glens regiment has just received an additional honour. 

“Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11, Queen of Canada, has graciously consented to serve as the first Colonel-in-Chief of the Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Highlanders.”

In his address to the crowd, the prime minister praised all members of the armed forces for their courage and dedication to Canada. 

He drew attention to the events of two centuries ago, and their significance in the history of our country.

“Today the Americans are our great friends and allies. But 200 years ago, Canadians stood here against an invasion from the United States…Although outnumbered three to one, Crysler’s Farm Battle was a decisive victory for our forces. This proved again that it is not the size of the army in the fight, but the size of the fight in the army which makes the final difference…And today, it is part of what makes Canada the best country in the world.”

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