Another curling season at the Morrisburg Curling Club is well under way.
First, there are a couple of things to mention. For those who haven’t made it inside the club this fall, you’re in for a treat! Thanks to our executive for a beautiful makeover.
The handicapped washroom on the ground floor, the carpeting job, the repositioned and improved bar, the extra space we seem to have developed in the lounge, new doors, and the beautiful new ramp at the entrance are some of the many assets to our old club.
Our thanks to the Ontario Trillium grant, which helped make many of the improvements possible.
New windows behind the former bar area, as well as an entirely new wall there, granite counters for the new bar and the kitchen window, a new paint job, and our usual fine ice preparation have gotten us off to a fine start.
We missed some final news from last April. It was the senior men’s championship. Jack Barkley, Karl Duncan, Sam Laurin and Robert Martin dropped their first match to Sid Morrell, Ron Beaupre, Bud Perry and Gerald Thompson.
Also on April 3, Pete Zeran, Len Bellamy, Keith Robinson and Jim Millard dropped their first one in a tight match to Wally McDonald, Glen Cougler, Earl Jeacle and Larry Ware.
On April 5th, the ‘B’ division final saw the Zeran team win out over Jack Barkley’s foursome, taking 3rd and 4th place respectively. Curling beside them, the Morrell quartet and Wally McDonald’s team battled hard in the ‘A’ final, with Sid victorious again, and Wally finishing second.
Congratulations to all, with the Morrell team getting their names on the Fraser trophy! It was a beautiful finish to an active season. Thanks for getting the details to us.
The new bonspiel season is under way, with a team of ladies in Kemptville last week for their ten-team bonspiel. It was a one-game affair, and our ladies played Carleton Heights. The Ottawa team pulled off the win, and everyone was dressed in witches’ costumes, with prizes for all. Our curlers were Greta McGann, Cheryl Thompson, Yvonne Mabo and Linda Murphy. Good start to the season, folks!
With the 2013-14 season, we have, as always, some new curlers, and some who have dropped out. We hope that those who have retired from the game will come in to watch and visit with the others. Curling began on the week of the 15th. It wasn’t possible to schedule the ‘swing and sweep’ this year, but there will be a number of club bonspiels through the year. Stay tuned.
For those who haven’t yet registered, see the senior men’s coordinator, Dave King, for the afternoon curling, or Alice Thompson for the women’s Tuesday afternoon league.
Joe McCooeye is looking after the Tuesday night men’s league again, as they do battle for the Calvert Trophy. The Thursday morning league is again being handled by Ruth Kelly, the Thursday night competitive curlers by Ian Wilson, and the Friday night league by Mahlon Locke.
Information re outside bonspiels is posted as it comes in, and we will have a number of local ones: the first Two Person ‘Spiel will be announced shortly, the Stick ‘Spiel, coordinated by Glenn Cougler, will be held on Wed., Nov. 13, the Alzheimer’s Bonspiel on Sat. Nov. 23, and the Women’s Invitational on Tues., Dec. 3rd.
Also, we need two teams for the Gamble Mixed Bonspiel on Nov. 16 in Russell.
Good curling to all!
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