Seaway Surge Baseball Club Hosting Tournament July 7th to 10th

The Seaway Surge inaugural baseball tournament will be taking place July 7th to 10th. There will be 30 teams participating across 6 divisions, with teams from Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Southern Ontario, New York State and Western Quebec all making their way to various towns throughout Eastern Ontario.

The Mosquito division will be taking place at Riverside Park in Kemptville, with 6 teams participating.

The Peewee division will be taking place in Chesterville, with 8 teams participating. The Minor and Major Bantam divisions will be hosting games at Fulford Field in Brockville, with 4 teams in each division, while the Minor and Major Midget divisions will be at South Gower park, with 4 teams in each division.

The Seaway Surge Baseball Club was founded in 2015 to provide high level competitive baseball opportunities to young ball players from the Ontario/Quebec border to Kingston and north to just south of Ottawa. With AA and AAA Ontario Baseball teams participating in the tournament, the standard of play should be quite entertaining as some of the best young ball players will be participating. Baseball fans are encouraged to come out and watch some great ball!

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