Mental health family support group now meeting regularly


Help is available for anyone affected by mental health issues in any way, and a local woman has been working tirelessly since the loss of her son who suffered from mental health issues, to bring that help close to home.

Augusta Waddell is continuing to champion the cause of mental health, with a special view to making more mental health services and programs available locally.

She has been able to organize a family support group that meets monthly at the Iroquois Civic Centre.

The meetings take place the third Tuesday of every month (except December) in the meeting room at the Civic Centre, from 6-7:45 p.m.

The group has the support of the Canadian Mental Health Association and of the Municipality of South Dundas, which is providing the meeting space at the Civic Centre.

What she needs now is for the people impacted by mental health issues to get involved.

The group’s first meeting was held in September, and although a guest speaker was part of the night’s agenda, only one person attended, and that person came from the Kemptville area.

“Our family support group is designed for relatives and friends of individuals with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and other mood disorder,” explains Waddell. “The group meets once a month in Iroquois and is led by the members themselves. By sharing our experiences, we learn how to cope more effectively with the challenges of supporting a loved one with mental illness.”

“There is a real stigma attached to mental illness, and we need to work to get rid of that,” said Waddell, who plans to continue to hold these support group meetings, month after month, regardless of how many people attend.

Although anyone can drop by the meetings, Waddell would appreciate those who plan to attend to let her know by calling her at 613-652-4664. 

The support group meetings will often include an educational component, so on occasions when they have larger numbers participating she plans to arrange for guest speakers. 

Because the Canadian Mental Health Association has been so supportive of Waddell’s efforts, she has organized an event to help fund raise for the organization.


Halloween Dance and Costume Party


October 26, at the Iroquois Legion, a Halloween Dance and Costume Party will be taking place, starting at 8 p.m. Prizes for the best costume and a silent auction will be part of the night’s festivities. Tickets are $15 per person and are available in Iroquois at the Legion and Mustard’s Variety, in Morrisburg at the Basket Case Café, in Williamsburg at Whitteker Meat Market, in South Mountain at Rick’s Gas Bar or by calling Augusta Waddell (613-652-4664) or Margaret Swerdfeger (613-652-2078).


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