Curves donates a pile of groceries


Every year at this time Curves offers up what Kelly Keeler, owner/manager of the Morrisburg location calls a win-win. 

New members can join for a $30 donation or a bag of groceries for the Dundas County Food Bank. 

The theme for this year’s food drive was feed the need. 

Curves gained several new members during the two-week promotion, and March 28 the money and grocery donations were handed over to the Dundas County Food Bank. 

“In addition to the new members, many of our other members, visitors, and staff donated too,” said Keeler. “People here are very supportive of this.” Monetary donations of $385 and 856.5 pounds of food were collected during this year’s effort. 

Rev. Sue McCollough, who accepted the donation on behalf of the food bank said that efforts like this mean everything to the food bank. “Without support from organizations like this one, our food bank would be in dire straits. It’s because of efforts like this that we can continue our programs to feed the hungry.” 

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