Morrisburg Curling-Busy calendar ahead


Morrisburg Curling Club member Wendy Casselman, who curls with the Winchester LaPierre provincial senior finalists, is back from the Annadale Curling Club in Ajax.

The team was in elite company, and although they didn’t win the championship, a noteworthy foursome that also fell by the wayside was the St. Catharines’ Marilyn Bodogh quartet. 

Curlers with long memories may remember Marilyn as Provincial, Canadian and World champion in 1986 (defeating former world champion Linda Moore – since then a commentator for TSN curling coverage). Marilyn won everything again in 1996. 

Other teams in the mix this year with Wendy were from Oshawa, Leaside, Guelph, Galt (the eventual winner), Burlington, and Rideau, who the Winchester team defeated. 

Wendy’s team, skipped by Janet LaPierre, also included Janet Levere and Janet Thompson. They had close matches in four of their seven competitions. Hope you make it to the final again next year, folks. Well done!

Other events upcoming at our local club are a men’s senior friendly match, March 13, a two-person bonspiel on March 17, various rentals, and our closing bonspiels on Saturday, April 6. League play continues, and we’ll have final results when they become available. Several teams are out at bonspiels in succeeding weeks and we’ll get their results to you as well. So far we are aware of little rockers’ events, the City of Ottawa bonspiel, a 222 in Navan, the McLennan Cup in Cornwall, as well as a Grandmothers’ Bonspiel in Winchester. Keep us posted on results, and let us know of any events we have missed.

We expect our closing bonspiel this year will again feature a lunch, banquet, annual meeting and a chance to see the club championship match. Don’t forget to sign up for our closing ‘spiel and the banquet. It’s a wonderful way to close out the season.

Susan McIntosh reports that the final two-person bonspiel will be held on St. Patrick’s Day, Sunday, March 17. Irish stew is promised for the 12 teams that will be needed to make this another successful fundraiser for the club. The sign-up sheet is in the lounge. Irish colours, anyone? Hope to see you there.

Little Rockers Ewan Wilson, Aiden White, Martina Lewis and Nolan Belanger competed in the Zone 1 playdowns last weekend, and we’ll have the final results next time.

And finally, on Monday the executive held another in their series of open meetings to assist in planning the summer upgrading of the club. 

Details of the relocation of the bar near the kitchen, entrance to the new upstairs washroom, improvements to the kitchen and modified storage space, as well as thoughts on the ramp at the front door were clarified. Our thanks to the Federal and Provincial governments for the grants the club has received to assist in this work. 

Good curling to all!


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