Curlers raise $1,000 for Heart and Stroke, Club to receive defibrillator

Over $1,000 was raised at the annual Heart and Stroke Curling Bonspiel hosted by the Morrisburg Curling Club on Saturday. 

Organized for the fourth consecutive year by Greta McGann, the bonspiel in that time has raised over $5,500. 

This year’s event attracted 10 teams of curlers all of whom enjoyed a great day of curling and hospitality. 

“February is Heart Month, and we have our Core Fundraising Program underway,” said Cindy Rowe, area manager for Heart and Stroke in SD&G-Prescott Russell of the 1,495 canvassers involved in the local door-to-door campaign.

Rowe congratulated McGann on the great job she does with the annual bonspiel. In addition to accepting the Morrisburg Club/Bonspiel donation, Rowe was on hand to announce that Heart & Stroke would be providing a heart defibrillator to the club. 

“Heart and Stroke received money through a bequest from an area farmer and as a result, in partnership with SD&G Emergency Service, we are able to place some defibrillators throughout the area.” 

Rowe indicated that the curling club, with its activities and high senior membership population, is a good fit. 

Bonspiel organizer Greta McGann was happy with Saturday’s turnout and especially pleased with the generous response from the local business community and individuals who provided a fantastic assortment of gifts used for prizes and door prizes.

McGann expressed her thanks to everyone who donated. 

The Bonspiel featured two draws. Winning the first draw was the Toonders rink of John, John C. Jason and Candice. The second draw winners were Mahlon and Paula Locke and Carolyn and Garry Beckstead.

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