Changes to South Branch Wind Farm


The South Branch Wind Farm has gotten a little smaller, but the changes will not lessen its impact on South Dundas.

EDP Renewables, the company that took over the project from ProWind, met with South Dundas council, February 5 to provide an update on proposed changes to the Brinston-area project.

EDP has decided to reduce the footprint of the South Branch Wind Farm project.

Because of the technology they have selected, EDP  will be able to accomplish the 30 MW generating capacity of the project with only 10 turbines. 

They have decided to eliminate the towers that were originally proposed to be located in the Shanly-area of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, from this project.

Nine of the 10 towers will be located east of the Brinston Road, the other will be to the west of it.

The locations of those towers remain the same as the original proposal, doing little to alleviate the concerns of area homeowners.

EDP has elected to bury the collection lines rather than leave them overhead, a move that both South Dundas deputy mayor Jim Locke and mayor Steven Byvelds commented on as a positive change.

EDP expects approvals for the project to be in place by late April, with construction to start in June-July.

The towers, are slightly smaller than those outlined in the original proposal, however, they still measure 156 meters in height from ground to tip, with a hub height of almost 100 meters. 

EDP plans to have them installed by the end of this year.

EDP Renewables is the third largest wind power company in the world. It is headquartered in Huston, Texas with its Canadian base in Toronto. For the duration of this project, the project team has a small office space rented in Brinston.

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