Morrisburg Curlers…good play at Granite


Our ladies are still travelling through Eastern Ontario, challenging curlers from other clubs. Greta McGann’s team had the early draw at Ottawa Granite last week. With Greta were Kathy Johnston, Claire Locke and Janie Connelly. They did well: in their first match, they dropped a tight game to City View, and after lunch curled against Ottawa Navy and defeated them. And there’s much more to come from these busy members. Well done, all! 

Curling in the late draw in the same bonspiel were Alice Thompson, Susan McIntosh, Sharon Van Allen and Linda Murphy. They lost their first game to the eventual champions from Cornwall, and had a better match against a team from Ottawa R.A., but couldn’t pull off the win.

We’ll have details about the Tuesday matches against the three men’s teams from Scotland next time. The Canadian side was bolstered by foursomes from Winchester and Cornwall. Our Morrisburg representatives were Sid Morrell, Raymond Benoit, John Allison and Ron Beaupre, as well as Mahlon Locke, Jack Barkley, Wally Baker and George Rutley.

With a change to an earlier date, January 19, the Alzheimers bonspiel is now on at our club. There are still a few openings, so sign up on the entry sheet in the lobby if you’re interested. It’s a charity we would like to see succeed.

Upcoming events include a friendly visit here by the Prescott senior men on Jan. 23, the Bernie Brunt Senior Men’s Invitational bonspiel on Jan. 30, the Senior Mixed 222 bonspiel, the Heart and Stroke bonspiel on Feb. 16, and the S. D. and G. High School Championship on Feb. 19.

Last weekend Wendy Casselman joined her three friends from Winchester again, Janet Lapierre, Janet Levere and Janet Thompson, in the Ladies Zone 1 playdowns for the Canadian championship, the Tournament of Hearts competition. Unfortunately they did not advance to the Regionals this time. Barbieri of the Ottawa Curling Club and Cameron of Russell were victorious and hope to make it to the Provincials. Better luck next year, folks! 

And congratulations to another Winchester team, skipped by Casandra Raganold, who won at Regionals and went on to the Junior Provincial championship, where they played well, but were edged out by the Manotick foursome for the title.

This morning three of our daytime mixed teams journeyed to Russell for a return “friendly” bonspiel. Our quartets were Andy Patenaude, Alice Thompson, Greta McGann, and Bud Perry, also Sue McIntosh, Grahame Hardy, Claire Locke and Fred Langlotz, as well as Sam Locke, Kathy Hardy, Denis Thibault and Bob Youmelle. Hope you all had a pleasant morning!

The bonspiel season for the little rockers is coming up, and we hope to have results for you shortly on their efforts.

Good curling to all!    


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