Perspectives by Rev. Norine Gullons


Preparing for Joy

This afternoon I received a long distance call from Alberta from a long time  friend of mine that I haven’t seen for a few years. It was so good to hear her voice again!

It wasn’t long before we were on to familiar topics of discussion and updates on our families. That conversation was a time of joy in the course of daily work, and personal preparations for Christmas. 

The season of joy and light is not necessarily that for all people.  Even in the midst of Advent and Christmas preparations, our real life stories enter in and attempt to draw us into the dark places of our lives.

Parents become ill. Younger couples are  having rough times in their marriages. Some one is laid off work. A little child ends up in the hospital. The great unknowns in our lives can present us with doubts and darkness.

That is why I feel that it is important to take time to remember that God is our joy and our light. 

The Christmas lights we see in our neighbors’ houses can cheer us momentarily. The Advent candles we light in church remind us that God’s light changes the darkness in our personal worlds and transforms that darkness by grace into a path where fear is no longer necessary.

Remember the story of the shepherds who were overwhelmed with fear. 

Luke 2: verse 10  and the angel said to them, Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all people. That means for you and for me. Let God handle the darkness, and prepare your heart for little joys this Christmas season.

Pastor Norine +

Rev. Norine Gullons  

South Dundas Evangelical

Lutheran Parish


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