Let’s Make a $pla$h


The bank account for the Splashpad to be installed at the South Dundas Children’s Playground in Morrisburg is growing steadily, and we are slowly working our way towards the end of the summer when the organizing committee would like to see the project underway and completed.

With $116,000 now in the bank, thanks to steady fundraising over the last few years and the generosity of a lot of local businesses, clubs and organizations, the committee is now hoping to get the entire community active in coming up with the remaining money needed  for the $200,000 project.

The organizing committee has submitted numerous proposals for grant money, and are hopeful, but you know what they say: You can’t always count on the other guy, sometimes you just got to get out there and do it yourself.

So really the committee is now looking for the South Dundas community, young and old, big and little, in school and out of school, to make a splash with a few fundraisers of your own. You are limited only by your own imagination…and for those of us who are limited on imagination like me, well then the cheque book comes in pretty handy.

For those of you, however, with lots of imagination there are all sorts of events to be considered like bake sales, or yard sales, or a great big huge community party and barbecue like a Block Party or in this case a Park Party, right down there at the playground…with facepainting and balloon popping games of chance…perhaps a cake walk…bake sales…family ‘goofy’ pictures, (we supply the frame, the costumes, the photographer, and you supply the family…a community wide silent auction or some crazy auctions for a free snowblow, or hairdo, or manicure, or garden weeding, a car wash or dinner with a local celeb…and eats and foods with every restaurant and food service in the community on site with their specialties…the list goes on and on. 

It’s all up to you the community. You did it before and the proof is in the  children’s park…at the playground and the nearby beautifully landscaped gardens…so if you did it once, you can do it again…Together we can all make a pretty big $pal$h. Don’t you think?       

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