Santa and Mrs Claus Get Warm Morrisburg Welcome


 It might have been a little frosty on Saturday, December 1, when Santa and Mrs. Claus dropped in to marshall the big parade, but the warmth of their welcome made up for that.

Morrisburg gave a big welcome to all the bands, marchers and floats who took part in one of the best Santa Claus parades yet. 

“We had six bands in our parade this year,” said George Davies, who once again organized the 2012 event. 

“There were about 50 different floats and displays, and all kinds of people in costumes walking along the parade route. From what I hear, it was a great day in spite of the weather. Of course, that’s the one thing I can’t do anything about,” he laughed. 

“I will say that the cold was probably a little rough on the musicians with brass instruments. And by the end of the route, our bag pipe players couldn’t play. But all accounts say it was a good parade all the same.”

The colourful celebration took place at 11 a.m. Saturday morning, and wound its way throughout the town. George Davies could be seen on his ATV keeping things moving all along the route. 

“I had eight people helping out with the parade today,” he said, “as well as many volunteers who marched or worked on floats. There’s great spirit in this community.”

After the parade, Santa dropped in to the fire hall to personally meet some of his young fans, and to listen to their Christmas hopes. 

Parade participants took advantage of hot dogs and chocolate milk after the big event finished in the mall area. George laughs that there was a definite run on the hot chocolate all afternoon.

George Davies is already making plans for next year’s Santa Claus parade. He feels that it is never too early to start.

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