Community invited to participate in traditional Mexican

Coming up on Friday evening, December 14, South Dundas residents are invited to join Mary and Joseph  as they travel the streets of Morrisburg in search of accommodation.

Taking a cue from a traditional Mexican Christmas celebration, Knox Presbyterian Church is hosting a “Posada” re-enactment of Mary and Joseph as they search for lodging in Bethlehem.

Participants in this local version of the 400 year old Mexican “Posada” tradition are invited to gather at Knox Presbyterian Church, (1st Street) Morrisburg, from 6:30-7 p.m. on Friday December 14. To light the “No Room at the Inn” procession, which will start at 7 p.m., everyone is asked to bring along candles, torches, flashlights or lanterns.

The procession will be led by Joseph (Cody Lewis) and Mary (Kristen Schaillee) and will include both, a mule and a horse.

Requests for lodging will be refused at two nearby homes on First Street (the Ruddock and Harwood homes), before Mary and Joseph make their final request at the Veinotte home on the corner of Ottawa and Legion Streets.

At each of the stops, Christmas carols will be sung.

“We are promoting it in the newspaper and at all the churches in the area,” says organizer Margaret Reynolds. “We are really hoping for a good turnout and of course some good weather. This is a great way to experience the true spirit of Christmas.”

Reynolds points out that the trek has been kept to a reasonable distance, and participants who are unable to do the walk can await the group’s arrival at any of the three stops or back at the church hall, where, following the walk, there will be refreshments, fellowship and carolling.

Organizers are asking all participants for a (non-perishable) food or cash offering for the South Dundas Christmas Exchange.

Posada is a Spanish word for lodging or accommodation. In Mexico, Posadas are held on each of the nine nights leading up to Christmas (December 16-24).


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