Laundry leads to fire on Ridge Road


Fire broke out in the upstairs half of an Iroquois home last Thursday morning, May 3rd.

According to South Dundas Fire and Emergency Services chief Chris McDonough, “after speaking with the owner it was determined, although not confirmed, that the cause was a clothes dryer on the second floor.”

The owner of the Ridge Road home, according to McDonough, “was at work in Ottawa” at the time the fire broke out.

McDonough reported that all three South Dundas fire stations responded to the call, which came in around 9:15 a.m.

“Upon arrival, there was heavy smoke coming from the soffits and eaves.”

“On the initial attack, it was determined that the second floor and attic area were fully involved and no access could be gained from the interior stairs.”

“Fire fighters had a difficult time ventilating due to the steel roofing and the angle of the roof,” he continued.

“We had two fire fighters suffer minor injuries. One was transported to the hospital for treatment and was released.”

As for the house, McDonough reported that it could not be saved.

He estimated the damage to be in the vicinity of $180,000.

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