Patients say WDMH’s maternity care is number one in Ontario

Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH) has been named Ontario’s Top Performer in Maternity Care in a new report from NRC Picker Canada and the Ontario Hospital Association.

Of new Moms who gave birth at WDMH, 89.5 percent say they would recommend the hospital to their family and friends – making WDMH the most highly recommended maternity program in Ontario.

WDMH also scored in the 90th percentile in the acute care inpatient – one of only eight hospitals in Ontario to do so.

“The purpose is to highlight excellent performance based on patient perceptions and to identify those hospitals that may have good practices in place that others may be interested in,” note the authors.

“We are very excited to be singled out in this important report,” notes Cholly Boland, WDMH CEO. “We are very proud of the care provided by our staff, physicians and volunteers and it is gratifying to see that our patients agree.”

The report is entitled Patient Ratings of Overall Satisfaction and Likeliness to Recommend for Ontario Hospitals: Percent Positive Scores and Associated Percentile Rankings for Acute Care Inpatient and Maternity, Emergency Department and Rehabilitation- 2010/11. 

It focuses on patient experiences in acute care, emergency, rehabilitation, and maternity. 

Patients were asked two key questions: “Overall, how would you rate the care you received at this hospital?” and “Would you recommend this hospital to your family and friends?”.

NRC Picker (NRCC) is an independent research institute that surveys and compares all hospitals in Ontario. 

This report will be updated by NRCC later this fall to include data from hospitals that surveyed patients, using an NRRC Patient Experience Survey between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012.

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