Wind farm moratorium request for South Dundas


On July 10. 2012, Health Canada announced that it will conduct a research study exploring the relationship between wind turbine noise and health effects. The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of Health, is responding to the expressed concerns of Canadians living near wind farms.

The Health Canada study will involved medical doctors and experts; its methodology will be peer-reviewed by the World Health Organization and multidisciplinary experts.

Many of us have been requesting such a study for several years.

The Government of Canada is putting the health and safety of Canadians first. I urge our municipal government to do the same.

Whatever financial benefits our Township may gain from wind turbine developments is not worth the health of our residents. As elected officials of our community, you have a responsibility to ensure our health and safety.

Before the shovels hit the ground, declare a moratorium on industrial wind turbine projects in our community until the Health Canada study is completed. 

Please declare a moratorium on wind turbine development in South Dundas at the August 14 council meeting. I will be present to speak to my request if required.

Sincerely Robbie Giles.


Editor’s Note: The above letter was written and addressed to the Township of South Dundas in addition to various agencies, upper tier government representatives and local newspapers, including The Leader.

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