Perspectives with Janet Evans


On Sunday, June 29, the very nice folks of Lakeshore Drive United Church in Morrisburg hosted a beautiful pot-luck lunch after our worship service to mark my 30th anniversary of ordination. A number of people from Williamsburg United Church attended as well as some of my friends from other places.

I would call 30 years as a minister a “milestone” in my life. On June 29th, I also marked another birthday–this time hitting those double digits.

Yes, I’m really getting on in years, though perhaps I should look at it as does Tamra from the television show, the Real Housewives of Orange County, who states: “I’m not getting older, I’m just getting bolder!”

Each one of us encounters milestones on our journeys of life. Our graduation from high school, perhaps college. The birth of a child. Watching our son or daughter take their first steps. Decorating our first home. Milestones which bring grief–a diagnosis of cancer, the death of our parents, the realization that all of one’s dreams may not come to fruition.

May we remember that God will be with us as we greet each milestone, as we greet each new day. Our Lord sheds His grace upon us and offers us His peace that passes all understanding. In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us, we are never alone.

In the weeks to come, let us draw closer to God and to one another. Remember to love and  forgive our neighbours as God has first loved and forgiven us. Give thanks for blessings and know that the Creator of the heavens and the earth can inspire, guide, support and challenge us. Let us go into the world assured that we can never go where God is not.


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