Pre-Tubie Race, Duck Race


August 5, before the Tubies take to the water, a truckload of rubber ducks will plunge into the St. Lawrence at the Morrisburg beach. 

Like their rubber-made cousins, the ducks will be vying for the chance to be the first to make it from the water to the beach. Unlike their Tubie cousins, the ducks will rely on dog power rather than man power to get there.

The Morrisburg and District Lions Club Duck Race fund raiser will take place Sunday, August 5, 10 a.m., at the Morrisburg beach.

Wendy Gibb will be providing the splash by splash for the five dogs, who will be helping the Lions Club retrieve the five lucky prize winners from the 1,000 rubber ducks that will be floating on the St. Lawrence.

The first dog with a duck out of the water, and on shore, will claim the first prize of $500. The second dog back on shore, with a duck, will have retrieved the second place winner of the $200 prize. The third duck out of the river will  win $100 for its ticket holder, and the fourth duck back on dry land will win a $50 gift card from Riley’s Valu-mart. The fifth duck claims a gift card of $50 from Canadian Tire.

Tickets are still available and can be purchased at the  Morrisburg Animal Hospital or the Lions will be selling tickets Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Riley’s Valumart. Proceeds from ticket sales will be directed back to the community.

The fate of the prize winners, will be clenched between the teeth of these five canines, who wanted to take this opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.

Heidi – Gilmer Family 

18 month old Chocolate Lab

Heidi was thrilled to be selected by the Morrisburg Lions Club to retrieve a duck. Since her successful application for this post, she has been training under the tutelage of her caregiver and BFF Scott Robertson. Scott reports that the ducks had better ‘watch out’ when Heidi comes their way.  As a result of her Olympic style training, Heidi has lost a pound or two and is no longer insecure about appearing at the beach.

Cocoa – Juli Strader 

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

As a veteran of the 2011 ParkPals Duck Race, Cocoa is determined this year to repeat his stellar performance. He has been in training for this year’s race while visiting with his Grandpa, Gary. Cocoa not only enjoys the heat of the competition but also the opportunity to socialize with fellow race participants. He is particularly interested in meeting Heidi since he has heard so much about her and wants to remind everyone that good things come in small packages.

Gemma – Bennis Family 

Gemma’s first visit to Morrisburg was last summer when the Cornwall Humane Society brought her to the Waterfront Dog Park grand opening. It was that day that Gemma found her forever home with Jim and Cindy Bennis and family. When not busy modelling for Arbonne, Gemma has been practicing her retrieval skills with the shoes belonging to those visiting the Bennis home. Gemma is looking forward to demonstrating her prowess at fetch by retrieving one of the winning ducks in the race this Sunday morning.

Dublin – Radoman Family 

Golden Retriever

One of the more intellectual K9’s participating in the Lion’s Duck Race this year is Dublin, the constant companion to Mike.  Although fetch is not Dublin’s forte, he and Mike were quick to volunteer when the Lions Club asked for their assistance. Dublin has been busy plotting his strategy to be the one who selects the first prize duck. He feels that his more academic approach to duck retrieval will be more successful than the physical training regimen of his compatriots. 

Willow – Pricilla Hubbard 

Black Lab x Border Collie

Willow’s person is Pricilla Hubbard. Willow is confident in her skills as a prize winning duck selector because of her proud heritage as a Labrador retriever and border collie. She believes she has what it takes to complete the task and bring in a winning duck with great speed and accuracy. As a new resident of Williamsburg, Willow looks forward to using this opportunity to make new friends, both human and K9.  To Willow, the organizers of the duck race say, “Welcome Willow….Your spirit of volunteerism is appreciated.”

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