No free dumping at Iroquois Campsite


At the June 26th South Dundas council meeting, councillor Evonne Delegarde informed council of complaints she’d received from several Iroquois residents concerning use of the Iroquois Campsite dumping station.

According to Delegarde, Iroquois residents who had previously used the dumping station for free have now found that it is locked. To gain access they must pay a small fee.

“I’d like to propose that we remove the lock and eliminate the three dollar fee,” said Delegarde. 

“The people that I spoke to,” she continued, “use it only a handful of times.”

She proposed that council “in good faith allow residents to use the dumping station,” suggesting that Morrisburg and area residents have free access to the dumping station at Canadian Tire in Morrisburg and, therefore, Iroquois residents should have free access to the dumping station at the Iroquois Campsite. 

Clerk Brenda Brunt said, “the dumping station is for the campers. I’m not sure why residents who aren’t camping there, dump there.”

Deputy-mayor Jim Locke agreed with Brunt, saying, “I don’t know why they wouldn’t dump at the campground they’re coming from.”

In the end, mayor Steven Byvelds reminded that “there’s no free ride.” 

Delegarde’s proposal was voted down four to one.

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