Iroquois Legion hosts provincial darts tournament


“Hosting the provincial darts championship at our branch was a very big deal for us,” said Rose Lavallie, president of the Iroquois Legion, Branch #370. “When we submitted our bid to host this major event on behalf of our District G, we were up against some much bigger area auxiliaries: when we learned in June, 2011, that Iroquois had been chosen, well it was great news.”

More than 160 darts players, making up 40 teams, arrived in Iroquois on Friday, June 22, in order to take part in elimination play which started at 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 23. 

When all the rounds were over, Uxbridge, Branch #170, took on Highland Creek, Branch #258, for the championship. 

The team from Highland Creek, made up of Yvonne Tracey, Shirley McMurter, Ann Butterfield and Sue Wilson, won the trophy, the medals and, as Iroquois’ sports officer, Sheila Holmes, put it, “bragging rights for the year.”

“The top six teams from each zone go to the district finals,  then the top six teams from each district come to the provincial finals,” Holmes explained.

“There was a lot of preparation and work done by the Women’s Auxiliary to make this weekend a success for our visitors.”

Among other things, the Legion had to provide lists of accommodations and area restaurants for the visitors, as well as see to it that food was plentiful and delicious throughout  the day explained Darleen Riddell.

Among the VIPs attending were Sharron Hanrahan, the provincial sports chair, and Barb McIsaac, the provincial president of the Ladies Auxiliary. Both praised the host legion and the venue.

“This was my first visit to this area,” McIsaac said. “This is a lovely town, and this was a very well run tournament.”

“A beautiful area,” said Hanrahan. “There was excellent work by the Branch #370 ladies in putting this event together. And their hospitality was incredible.”

Unfortunately, only Cornwall made it to the provincial playoffs from district G, eventually coming in 13th. Morrisburg and Iroquois teams did not make the cut, “although we did try hard,” Rose Lavallie laughed. “We just couldn’t swing it.”

Tournament guests were treated to breakfast, hosted by the Oddfellows at their Hall on Saturday morning, before play began. The Iroquois Legion served lunch and dinner to the darts players, then hosted a social evening to wind up the weekend tournament.

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