Two in a row for U18 Kickers


The Seaway Kickers U18 Girls soccer team hosted the Ottawa Internationals soccer team on a hot and humid Monday night and came out on top 4 – 0.  

The Kickers played a very complete game and spent most the evening in the Ottawa Internationals end.  

The first goal came on a strong throw-in by Kaitlyn Merkley to Alyssa MacMillan who made a nice pass to Lesley-Ann Tupper who finished the play with a big goal to start the scoring for the Kickers.  

The second goal was on a huge corner kick by Jessica Hartle for an easy goal by Sarah Gudlaugsson.  

The third goal started with a great throw-in by Michaela Morrow and was finished by Sarah Gudlaugsson.  

The fourth and final goal of the game was again off a corner kick by Michaela Morrow to Ashley Smith to the back of the net.  

The shutout was shared by keepers Jade Millward and Kailyn Douglas.  The Kickers played Monday, June 18th at Seaway District H.S. against the Nepean Hotspurs but results were not available at press time.

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