Tour boats pay to dock at wharf


With the approval of the South Dundas council, Captain Andrew Neeteson’s Sea Fox II docked at the Morrisburg Wharf for several public sightseeing and dining cruises from June 7th to the 10th. 

At the June 5th council meeting, chief administrative officer Stephen McDonald requested that council approve the use of the wharf for the 1000 Islands and Seaway Cruises’ tour boat at a cost of $1.16 per foot per day.

According to McDonald, the company had requested a waiver or reduction in docking fees. 

“Certainly council has the option to waive the fees,” said McDonald, “my recommendation is that you don’t.”

“I think that we need to set a policy or a precedent for these boats that come in.” 

He pointed out that the fee for the 46 foot boat equated to $53.36 plus HST per day, which is “considerably less than he’d pay at say Brockville.”

McDonald stated that the money earned through docking fees will go back into dock improvements.

Council agreed with McDonald’s recommendations and councillor Evonne Delegarde said, “I’m glad to see it’s still proceeding with the tours.” 

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