New tanker is ‘super’ deal


An unexpected find has led to an unexpected expenditure for the Township of South Dundas.

At the June 5th council meeting, South Dundas Fire and Emergency Services chief Chris McDonough requested council’s permission to proceed with the purchase of a “super tanker.”

The tanker, he admitted, wasn’t due to be purchased in this year’s budget, but “it’s good for our accreditation for water shuttle,” he said.

McDonough was referring to “being recognized by the Underwriters Insurance for Alternative Water Supplies for Fire Protection accreditation.”

The new 2004 Western Star 3,000 gallon tanker from Eastway Emergency Vehicles will replace Williamsburg’s current 1985 Ford 1,500 gallon tanker.

The new tanker “is being retrofitted with a new tank,” said McDonough, and when all is said and done, he estimated the final cost to be in the vicinity of $130,000. 

He pointed out that the cost savings of buying this particular tanker at this time, rather than buying a brand new tanker in future, is approximately $120,000.

“I think it’s a good opportunity,” said deputy-mayor Jim Locke. 

Councillor Archie Mellan said, “I like the fact that we’re going to get accreditation.”

All in agreement, council approved McDonough’s request to proceed with the purchase.

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