Giant Tiger generously gives to food bank


Morrisburg’s Giant Tiger donated $350 to the Dundas County Food Bank on June 4th. The donation arose from a recent Easter contest whereby customers, for the price of $1, could submit their guess of how many jellybeans were contained in a giant mason jar. In the end, store manager Ken Rundle said approximately 347 guesses were submitted and he rounded the number up to an even 350. Store staff unanimously chose to donate the money to the food bank, said Rundle. Sean Dowson submitted the closest guess, winning a $50 gift card as well as the jar of 1,537 jellybeans. Dowson’s guess was just 10 jellybeans shy of the actual number! On hand to receive the donation were four representatives from the Dundas County Food Bank’s board of directors. The Dundas County Food Bank is currently in need of the following items: Kraft dinner, brown beans, spaghetti sauce, canned meat, canned vegetables, Jello, and instant pudding.

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