Canadian Tire Jumpstart raises funds for local kids


The fourth annual Jumpstart Day held at Morrisburg’s Canadian Tire on Saturday, May 26, has once again helped to ensure that no kids will miss out on organized sports in Canada.

This year the Morrisburg store, owned by Ninon and Michel Proulx, was able to raise $2,068.11 for the cause.

“All of the money we raise with the Jumpstart program comes back into North and South Dundas to help out our local kids,” said Ninon Proulx. “This year again our entire staff got behind the effort.”

The Jumpstart program, which was supported on May 26 by most Canadian Tire stores across Canada, is designed to help kids get involved in organized sports. Research indicates that one in three families cannot afford to enroll their children in organized sports and recreation in this country. 

With its One Million Red Balls  campaign, Canadian Tire asks shoppers to donate $2 for the purchase of a red ball, the national symbol of child’s play.

“This fund raiser really helps our local kids,” Proulx said. “Many sports cost more than many parents can afford on their own. Some kids would not have the opportunity to take part in sports without these funds.”

The store offered a raffle for a patio set valued at $470, and two beautiful planters. The furniture was won by J. Manneck, the planters by ticket holders Thompson and Adrian.

Tribeck Inflatables were set up to amuse small visitors while parents shopped. Fiona Carr of the Ontario Early Years operated a crafts and colouring area where children could make paper bag puppets, and  take part in other activities. The Morrisburg and District Leos club was also on hand to run a barbecue for shoppers. 

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