Merkley Street home destroyed by fire

Early Saturday morning, April 7th, the South Dundas Fire and Emergency Services was called to a home on Merkley Street in Morrisburg.

Too late to save the home, the firefighters from the Morrisburg and Williamsburg stations were able to get the blaze under control in time to keep it from spreading to  neighbouring homes.

According to chief Chris McDonough, “one of my volunteers was going to work at five in the morning and he heard a crack and looked up to see a glow in the sky.”

By the time firefighters arrived at the scene, the home and its attached garage were completely engulfed in flames. With the home beyond saving, the primary goal became stopping the fire from spreading to surrounding homes. 

“There was exposure to the south,” said McDonough, “but we managed to stop it.”

“The guys did a good job. They had it knocked down pretty quick.”

The home was empty at the time of the fire and no one was hurt. McDonough estimated the damage to be in the vicinity of $260,000.

“We don’t have a cause as to what started the fire,” said McDonough. “It looks like it started in the garage area.” In fact, the car parked on the property was also destroyed by the fire, leaving nothing but a charred frame.

“I didn’t feel there was anything suspicious  with the fire,” he said.

His reasoning behind the determination included the following facts: damage was not over $500,000; there were no injuries or fatalities and no explosions. 

He did point out that the insurance company “is probably going to bring in a private investigator tomorrow,” April 10th. He reiterated, however, that he felt there was nothing suspicious. 

The Merkley Street home had been listed for sale at the time of the fire for a list price of $239,000.

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