All aboard the giving train


Every year, the Seaway Valley Model Railroad club comes together to showcase some of their model railroad scenes for the community and to collect donations for the local food bank. 

On April 28th, at Upper Canada Motors in Morrisburg, the group once again “opened their doors” to the public. From 10 a.m. until 3 p.m., members of the club were on hand to share their passion for building model railroads. 

According to club president, Steve Skerry, each eight foot section of the display is owned and maintained by a different club member. They maintain their section and transport it to events such as this one.

In addition to the section they maintain for the group’s showcase events, these members also have their own model stations and villages at home.

The group, which has close to 30 members both male and female, meets the first Thursday of the month from September to June at the McIntosh Country Inn and Conference Centre in Morrisburg.

The group was initially formed by Steve Skerry and Sheldon Oglestone, both residents of Morrisburg.

In a recent story for the Leader, Oglestone announced the opening of his model town and railroad to the public as the “Ontario Northland Museum.”

For those interested in the hobby, Skerry revealed that “we’re always open to having more members. We would like to see the club get more younger members.”

Skerry explained that the monthly meeting is an opportunity for members to share and learn different techniques and ideas.

With no entrance fee to Saturday’s model railroad exhibit, visitors were simply invited to contribute to the club’s collection of food and money to be donated to the Dundas County Food Bank.

Several members of the food bank’s board were on hand to appreciated the exhibit and to thank those in attendance for their generosity. On hand were, board chair Alvin Runnals, vice-chair Terry Triskle, as well as board members Sue McCullough and Brian Cox.

 In light of the day’s event, Upper Canada Motors also decided to donate $100 to the food bank. On hand to present the cheque was Christopher Goupil, grandson to owner Paul Goupil.

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