Home sweet church: United Church rezoned


On April 17th, the South Dundas council passed a by-law rezoning the Williamsburg United Church property to residential.

The Williamsburg United Church was originally listed for sale in January of this year. In March, Reverend Ralph Taylor confirmed with The Leader that the church’s congregation had accepted an offer from a young couple wishing to turn the church into a home.

During last week’s council meeting, the manager of planning and enforcement, Don Lewis, recommended that council pass the by-law to change the church property’s current designation of ‘Institutional Special Exception’ to that of ‘Residential Hamlet Special Exception 20.’

This, he explained, would “permit the existing church to be used as a residential dwelling.”

A concerned South Dundas resident stood up and inquired as to how many dwellings would be permitted. He indicated concern that the church might be turned into a multi-residential building.

Lewis assured members of the audience as well as members of the council that the zoning change would permit, at most, a maximum of two residences on the property. 

He explained that the new zoning designation would “permit a duplex or a semi,” no more.

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