Don’t miss out on Café conversations

“I encourage all residents of South Dundas to participate in the Community Cafés this week,” said South Dundas Mayor Steven Byvelds on March 19th.

Dillon Consulting Limited, on behalf of the township of South Dundas, is holding four Community Vision Cafés beginning today, March 21st. 

Today’s cafés will take place at Matilda Hall in Dixon’s Corners from 2 to 4 p.m. and at the Morrisburg Meeting Centre from 7 to 9 p.m.

Tomorrow, March 22nd, there will be an afternoon café from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Iroquois Civic Centre and an evening café from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Williamsburg Oddfellows Hall. 

According to Economic Development Officer Nicole Sullivan, organizers continue to take reservations for the cafés and will do so up until the final café. Those who want to come, but haven’t made a reservation, are encouraged to attend regardless.

And, “if you can’t make it,” said Byvelds, “please go to the South Dundas website and follow the links to fill out the survey.”

“This is your opportunity to have your say on where South Dundas should be in the next 10 years.”

The online survey can be found at where there are seven questions to be answered:

•What are we doing well in South Dundas?

•If I left my community and returned in 10 years, what would I want to see?

•What external influences affect South Dundas?

•What are our community’s assets?

•What is unique in South Dundas that no other municipality has?

•What will be the most important thing to ‘get right’ in creating South Dundas’ future?

•What partnerships are needed to get things done?

According to Sullivan, the survey will be available online for two weeks following the café consultations. Anyone who hasn’t done so already, is encouraged to visit the website and complete the survey.

In addition to the online survey, the township of South Dundas is also creating an online photo journal. To submit photos, email the photo with a description to

Going forward, Chief Administrative Officer Stephen McDonald explained that a status report based on the information gathered from the public will be ready for council to consider in April. 

In June, an implementation plan will be presented to council for consideration. 

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