Sens Alumni in town for South Dundas Minor Hockey


South Dundas Lions Bantam Rep player, Nash Nesbitt drops the puck to officially open Saturday night’s festivities organized by the South Dundas Minor Hockey Association. In total the fund raising event raised $3,200 for the local association which included a very generous $1,500 donation made back by the Sens Alumni. The evening included a game between the Ottawa Senators Alumni and a heavily stacked local team made up of the coaches in the local organization.  Taking the face off for the coaches (left) is South Dundas Minor Hockey president Jeff Van Moorsel, and for the Sens Alumni is Dan Frawley a former Pittsburg Penguin player who now lives in the area. Thanks to the donation of an autographed Sidney Crosby helmet arranged by Frawley, the evening also raised $1,200 for the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario where Nash received his recent cancer treatment. Joining Nash, l-r, are his dad Earl, Sylvie Corbin (Director, Major Gifts for the CHEO Foundation) and Nash’s mom, Tammy. Pictured at the top and right is action during an Initiation game played during the intermission. The young players were joined by several of the Ottawa Alumni players including goaltender Mark Cavellin and #19 Brian Richardson. Although Nash Nesbitt scored twice for the Coaches on penalty shots, and Randy ‘Tug’ Mullin (assisted by Bruce Mullin and Rob Casselman) and Mike Barclay (assisted by Jeff VanMoorsel and Joe Hummel) added singles, the coaches remained well behind their opponents. The coaches had great goaltending from Frank Waytowich and Ben Henry and several great scoring opportunities. Twice David Lapier was set up by little brother Shawn and twice he missed, Steve Martineau was stymied on a break-away, and Brian Shaver, Joe Hummel, George Menges, Jamie Smith, Shawn Hummel and Gary Hart all had their chances. Coach Claude Plamondon said after the game, he would have his squad much better prepared, next time.


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