Golden Gears Car Club taking off


With over 30 enthusiasts turning out for the inaugural meeting of the Golden Gears Car Club on February 16, organizers are confident that interest in cars,  car mechanics, car shows and vintage automobiles is high in South Dundas.

Named for the original Golden Gears Club, which used to meet in the 60’s at Chuck’s Esso (present day Stinson’s), this Club has been organized by long time car enthusiasts Brian Erratt, Jeff Beaupre and Henry Swank. 

 At this first gathering, Swank stressed that the club will be properly established with by-laws, a constitution, a board, an executive and activities, events and program organizers. 

Erratt discussed cruise nights and building camaraderie in the club through group tours and car rallies. 

Beaupre introduced five members of the original Golden Gears: Wayne (Chick) Barkley, Paul Judson, Mac Casselman, Arnie Fader and Wayne Barkley. They shared a lot of memories of the old days, of drag races and parades and charity work.

The reborn Golden Gears Car Club welcomes any and all area car lovers (over 18) to come out to their next meeting, Wednesday, February 29, at the Iroquois Legion, at 7:30 p.m., to share ideas and a common passion for the automobile. 

Owing a car is not a necessity for membership. Real enthusiasm for cars is all that is needed.

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