The Dundas County District Council of Easter Seals Ontario met on June 14th at the J.W. McIntosh Seniors’ Centre in Williamsburg for their annual general meeting.
In 2011, Dundas County raised $19,467.85 through its many fundraising events, which include Paper Eggs, Ball Hockey, Bowling, Snowarama, Curling, and Blooperball.
Council chair Ian McLaughlin attended the provincial annual general meeting weeks ago and reported that only four per cent of every dollar goes to administration and seven per cent to fundraising costs, leaving a whopping 89 per cent for Easter Seals children.
Currently, there are approximately 11 families in Dundas County registered with Easter Seals Ontario.
Children, youth and young adults up to age 19 are eligible for services through Easter Seals Ontario. At age 20, services are then available through the March of Dimes.
According to McLaughlin, the main difference between the two groups is that March of Dimes receives financial support from the government whereas Easter Seals relies solely on donations and fundraising efforts.
“We’re very proud of the fact that 2012 is the 90th anniversary of Easter Seals in Ontario,” he continued. “It was started by eight rotary clubs in 1922 in Windsor, Ontario.”
“One of the major funding projects that Easter Seals supports is camping.” The two camps are Camp Merrywood and Camp Woodeden.
“Most Easter Seals kids will tell you that their favourite memory is camping.”
For those who don’t want to go to camp, McLaughlin explained that there is a summer recreational choices program as well where families are eligible to receive financial assistance for alternatives like a family vacation or day camps.
In addition to providing information about Easter Seals Ontario and the many fundraisers, the Dundas County District Council of Easter Seals Ontario recognized and awarded some of the many community volunteers who helped raise money for the cause in 2011.
There were four awards to give out this year beginning with two for the Snowarama fundraiser and two for the Paper Eggs fundraiser.
The first Snowarama Award, in remembrance of Debbie McHaffie Strader, is awarded to the club that raised the most funds for the event. This year, like several before, the award went to the South Dundas Snowmobile Club. Jean McDougal was on hand to receive the award.
The second Snowarama Award is awarded to the first time participant who raised the most money for the event. Chris MacMillan, a grade 8 student at St. Mary’s-St. Cecilia’s School in Morrisburg won the award.
The first Paper Eggs Award is awarded to the company with under five employees who raised the most money for the event. For the fifth year in a row, Cook’s Corner of Morrisburg won the award. Debbie Denis was on hand to receive the award.
The second Paper Eggs Award is awarded to the company with more than six employees who raised the most money. For the first time ever, Mike Dean’s of Winchester won the award.
The Dundas County District Council of Easter Seals Ontario members include Harriet Clarke, Ron Gillard, Deanna MacKillican, Ian McLaughlin, Margaret Reynolds, Bob Ruddock and Marja Smellink.
McLaughlin pointed out that the council is on its 12th year and that they’re “always looking for volunteers. We meet once a month on the second Thursday night” at the J.W. McIntosh Seniors’ Centre in Williamsburg. There are no meetings in July or August.
“We certainly are always looking for new and interesting volunteers to help us out with one project or more,” he concluded.
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