Aid agreement set up with North Dundas

“The chief has done a great job for us,” said South Dundas Councillor Jim Graham.

While South Dundas Fire and Emergency Services (SDFES) Fire Chief Chris McDonough was unable to attend the February 7th South Dundas council meeting, that didn’t stop council from approving the Automatic Aid Fire Agreement between the township of North Dundas and SDFES.

In McDonough’s written report, he explained that “providing timely fire protection services in the far reaches of our community can be challenging and so in some areas the initial response for emergencies is provided by neighbouring fire departments.”

He confirmed that South Dundas currently has fire protection agreements in place with both Edwardsburgh/Cardinal and South Stormont municipalities.

The annual stand-by fee for North Dundas has been set at $8,000 with additional charges for equipment use. North Dundas will provide first response in designated areas of South Dundas, acting on behalf of South Dundas Fire and Emergency Services until such time as SDFES is on-scene.

Deputy-Mayor Jim Locke said, “it’s great to finally see it get finalized.”

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